Saturday, January 3, 2009

about me

Well, I thought if I had a blog I'd might as well post some things that people might want to know about me. So, to start with, my hobbies are playing the piano,gymnastics,oil painting,singing,and dancing. I am in the musical called,Seussical.I will be playing the part of a who. I am very excited! I am reading the first book of Twilight. It is way cool! I really want to see the movie but I dont think I can!
i loooooooooooove 5 buck pizza-has to be only cheese on top though! I like Applebee's fettichini Alfredo. I also like Subway's montery cheddar with roast beef and mayo-toasted. And last, I like this dish that we named Nicole's Favorite which is kale and penne noodles and susage and tomato sauce.It is an Italian dish.
Well, these are the things that make me,ME!


  1. Sounds good to me, you just stay you and we'll all have a show to see, or a piano to hear, a great voice to listen to, see works of art either on the fridge door or in a museum, and lastly, we'll get to worry that someday you'll fall off a balance beam and hurt something, ALL BECAUSE WE ALL LOVE YOU. We won't go hungry either. Great job Princess!!! Love you

  2. hi that was way cool. and i am going to be in seussical too. i am one of the dancers so i am a
    jungle creature. i love subway too. i wish i could see you soon call me soon. if you don't have my number email me @ my new email. i just emailed it to you bye maddie wilhelm

  3. May I PLEASE have some of your cheese only pizza??? Gosh thanks coli. Love, Grandma
